Dr. Tavoussi - Orange County Facelifts | OC Cosmetic Procedures

Orange County facelifts help to erase signs of aging from your face by surgically removing excessive skin and tissues. There are several reasons why this procedure could be a good idea for you. For example, it can address sagging skin around the lower portion of your face, fold lines around the nose and mouth, a double chin, and fatty deposits that have dropped or disappeared. If you are looking for even more changes to your face, you may want to ask Dr. Tavoussi about combining an Orange County facelift with a brow lift or neck lift. By combining procedures, you will see even more benefits for your face and will not have to worry about multiple surgical times or excessive anesthesia.

A facelift in Orange County is an invasive procedure that uses long incisions. Most of the time, these incisions are hidden around the ears and along the hairline. Once they heal, you should not have to worry about seeing them at all. However, because of the invasiveness of this procedure, you will need to plan on taking plenty of time to rest and recuperate at home before returning to work and many of your other activities.
Reasons to Consider Facelift Procedures in Orange County

Dr. Tavoussi performs Orange County facelifts at the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center. You will arrive at the center on the morning of your facelift and will be able to head back home that same day. This allows you to experience your surgery in a very safe and secure location while also benefiting from the comfort and peace of your own home as you recover. Of course, you will need to return to the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique for your follow-up appointment in the next day or two. This appointment is incredibly important because it will give Dr. Tavoussi a chance to see how your incisions are healing.

Overall, a facelift is an excellent option for men and women who are unhappy with how their faces are aging and who are looking for a procedure that provides more permanent results as compared to Botox or other injectable treatments. We encourage you to contact the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Orange County to set up your private consultation with Dr. Tavoussi. This appointment will give you a chance to ask him any questions you might have about what you can expect from the procedure and to determine if this is the right choice for you.