Dr. Tavoussi - Newport Beach Closed Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Procedure

With a Newport Beach Closed Rhinoplasty, patients can achieve beautifully shaped noses that leave them feeling confident in public situations and full of self-assurance in private scenarios. Whether an individual suffers from a hump on the bridge of the nose, a bulbous nose tip, a nose that is too long or some other flaw of this facial feature, a rhinoplasty can help. There are two main rhinoplasty options. The most common option is the open rhinoplasty. In this procedure, the surgeon makes incisions that can be seen on the outside of the nose. He or she lifts the skin and underlying tissues, reshapes the bones and tissues and secures the incisions with sutures. With the closed rhinoplasty, on the other hand, the incisions are safely tucked away inside the nostrils and will not leave any noticeable scars.

Accuracy & Precision are Required in Newport Beach Closed Rhinoplasty

A Newport Beach Closed Rhinoplasty requires extreme accuracy and precision to be performed correctly and without complications. Many surgeons shy away from this treatment because they feel more confident doing a rhinoplasty that is easier to see. Of course, nearly all patients prefer to have a rhinoplasty that does not leave any scars. Dr. Tavoussi understands these desires and realizes that Newport Beach patients feel strongly about how they look and how they heal. Therefore, he has perfected his rhinoplasty techniques and has completed plenty of continuing education in this area in order to perform closed rhinoplasties skillfully.

Understanding Newport Beach Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

A closed rhinoplasty performed in Newport Beach is always performed under general anesthesia. This means that the patient will be asleep for the entire procedure and will not remember any of it happening. Dr. Tavoussi performs his rhinoplasties as outpatient procedures at the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center, and patients are able to return home that very day. This allows patients to recover in familiar and comfortable surroundings. Patients must return within a couple of days for a follow-up appointment at the Newport Beach OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique where Dr. Tavoussi will be able to check that the incisions are healing without any complications.

A closed rhinoplasty can be used for many nose-shaping procedures. Our patients are quite pleased with the results of this procedure and find that they have higher self-esteem and a better self-image when they are around their friends and acquaintances. With the added benefit of no outer incisions, a closed rhinoplasty allows patients to heal without visible scars and without emotional upheaval.