Laguna Hills Chin and Cheek Implant Cosmetic Surgery | Dr. Tavoussi

Laguna Hills individuals who feel that their faces lack definition or artistry have several options to consider. One great option is a Laguna Hills Chin and Cheek Implant. Dr. Tavoussi is a skilled double-board certified physician with over 20 years of experience in cosmetic procedures. His desire is to give patients the confidence that they need in their faces and bodies.

A Laguna Hills Chin and Cheek Implant is a permanent procedure that requires the insertion of a soft silicone or another type of implant beneath the skin and underlying tissues. Laguna Hills cheek implants are usually placed directly on the cheekbones to add definition while a chin implant stretches from one side of the chin to the other and adds depth to a receding chin. Patients love the dramatic results from either procedure and are very satisfied with the procedure itself.
Learn About Laguna Beach Chin & Cheek Implants

A Laguna Beach Cheek implant can be used to accentuate the cheekbones, creating a more defined facial structure. The implants are typically placed deep beneath the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the face and put directly on the cheekbone. Cheek implants are placed through a small incision inside the mouth.

On the other hand, Laguna Beach Chin implants can be placed through an incision made inside the mouth on the lower lip or through an incision underneath the chin. Of course, the inner mouth incisions are typically preferred because they leave no visible scars. The implants used may be basic shapes, or some may be custom modeled for an individual.

Dr. Tavoussi Offers The Best Laguna Hills Facial Implants

While Dr. Tavoussi practices at the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach, he performs his cosmetic surgery procedures at the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center north of our office. The surgery center serves Laguna Hills patients throughout the Orange County area and has an amazing reputation for surgical success and safety. The anesthesiologists on staff have years of experience and local hospital privileges should anything happen during surgery. Pacifica also staffs numerous registered nurses in both the operating rooms and the post-operative recovery rooms.

Understanding the Laguna Hills Chin & Cheek Implant Process

Patients will be at the surgery center for a few hours. A Laguna Hills chin implant takes 30 minutes, and Laguna Hills cheek implants usually take an hour. Patients will be allowed to awaken and will recover briefly here before discharged home the same day. Dr. Tavoussi will write a medication prescription to control pain around the surgical sites and will also write post-operative instructions for patients. Patients will be instructed to keep the head elevated and to apply cold compresses to decrease swelling. They will also need to treat any incisions with care, especially when cleansing the face. However, many times, incisions are hidden inside the mouth to avoid lasting scars.

Laguna Hills Patients will return to the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique several days following surgery for a follow-up appointment with Dr. Tavoussi. The doctor will inspect the surgical sites and see how the patient is healing. Of course, if patients have any problems prior to this date, such as a rash, nausea or unexpected bleeding, they should call in immediately. Our goal is to serve our patient’s needs quickly and effectively.