Fountain Valley Eyelid Surgery Cosmetic Procedure | Dr. Tavoussi

As individuals age, they may find that their faces develop wrinkles, puffiness or sagging skin. Many of these problems are centered on the eyes, which are often the facial feature that people notice first. Sagging, dropping eyelids or puffiness beneath the eyes can make people look tired, stressed, sad and even angry. A Fountain Valley Eyelid Surgery can eliminate many of these problems and inject a level of youthfulness and energy into the face.

About Fountain Valley Eyelid Surgery Cosmetic Procedure

This Fountain Valley procedure is considered cosmetic surgery, and, of course, comes with risks related to this. For example, as with any surgery, bleeding and infection are possible. In addition, because the work is being performed around the eyes, patients may notice that they have dry eyes, swelling of the eyelids, noticeable scars, visual changes, numbness around the area or pain. However, Dr. Tavoussi has over 20 years of experience performing this Fountain Valley eyelid procedure and has an amazing track record of success. His patients comment on their level of satisfaction with both his manner towards patients and his surgical expertise.

Dr. Tavoussi is an Expert Fountain Valley Eyelid Surgeon

While Dr. Tavoussi initially sees patients at the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach, he performs the surgeries at Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center just north of our Clinique. Fountain Valley Eyelid Surgeries are often performed with general anesthetic, or the surgeon may opt to use local anesthetic and oral sedation depending on the amount of work to be done. Small incisions must be made around the eyes, often in the eyes’ natural creases or on the inner surface of the eyelids, to remove excess fatty tissue and to smooth out skin. Sutures are used in the upper eyelid and sometimes in the lower eyelid. These last for approximately a week. Dr. Tavoussi will see all Fountain Valley patients for follow-up appointments at our Clinique to inspect incisions and find out how the patient is healing.

Is Fountain Valley Eyelid Surgery Right For You

The best candidates are those above the age of 35 who are considered healthy. These Fountain Valley patients will have the most noticeable results and will have the best chance of successful healing. Patients will be instructed not to smoke because this can slow the healing process. In addition, patients should have realistic goals for the procedure and should realize that Fountain Valley Eyelid Surgery does not actually stop the process of aging. However, it can help patients feel better when out in public and may even help them have a wider field of vision.