Orange County Facelift Procedure | OC Cosmetic Surgery Newport Beach

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift Procedure?

OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique performs facelift procedures in Newport Beach, Orange County. The following are some common facial features that may make you an applicable candidate for a Newport Beach facelift:

  • Sagging skin on your midface and jawline
  • Deep wrinkles that extend from your nose to the corners of your mouth
  • Lines that extend from the corners of your mouth down your chin
  • Facial fat that displaced
  • Sagging skin and loss of muscle in your lower face
  • Double chin, caused by loose skin and extra fatty deposits under your chin and jaw
  • Wrinkled and sagging skin on your neck

A facelift is the most inclusive method for treating sagging facial skin and wrinkles caused by aging. The facelift procedure fluctuates in range from slightly invasive to more extensive, refined surgery. During a facelift procedure, the surgeon removes the extra skin, tightens up the underlying tissue and muscle, and re-drapes the skin on your face and neck. It can also correct midface sagging, lines, double chin, and jowls.

The Orange County facelift performed by the surgeons at OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique maintains its status as the gold standard for facial transformation. Each year, thousands of people opt to have a facelift performed and are pleased with the results.

Why Get a Facelift Procedure?

A facelift procedure can improve and enhance several areas of the face and by doing so can give you a rejuvenated and youthful look. Facelifts can have lasting effects depending on the type of procedure and can last up to ten years or longer. A facelift can also re-contour your neck and jawline more effectively than any other type of procedure.

If you are considering a Newport Beach, Orange County Facelift procedure, contact us at OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique for a consultation.