Aliso Viejo Teenage Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery - Dr. Tavoussi

The most common cosmetic surgery among teens is Aliso Viejo Teenage Rhinoplasty. This surgery, typically called a nose job, is oftentimes used to correct a malformation of the nose that can cause anxiety or embarrassment in the teen. For example, a teenager may have nostrils that are too big or too small, a lump on the nose, a crooked nose bridge or a poorly shaped tip of the nose. Each of these problems can be corrected using Aliso Viejo teenage rhinoplasty. In addition, some medical problems, such as difficulty breathing, can be corrected with a rhinoplasty. In general, health insurance only covers Aliso Viejo Teenage Rhinoplasties if they are performed for a documented medical need rather than for solely cosmetic reasons.

A Welcoming Facility For Teenagers Seeking Rhinoplasty

At OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique, we make sure that each teenager feels that he or she has been listened to and understood. We understand that the teenage years can be some of the most challenging years socially in a person’s life. A lot of this has to do with how comfortable an Aliso Viejo teenager feels with his or her looks. Because the nose is a major part of the facial structure, a rhinoplasty may be used to help teenagers in Aliso Viejo improve their facial structure as well as their social confidence.

Understanding Aliso Viejo Rhinoplasty For Teenagers

A rhinoplasty in Aliso Viejo is a surgical procedure that must be done under general anesthesia. Dr. Tavoussi, our double-board certified cosmetic surgeon, performs this procedure at Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center as a same-day procedure. This means that after the teenager has some time to recover at the surgery center, he or she will be discharged home that same day with a prescription for pain medication. The teenager will need to rest for a few days while keeping the head elevated. It will be difficult to go to school or work for at least a week. In addition, patients will need to return to the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach for a follow-up appointment within a day or two.

Dr. Tavoussi serves the entire Orange County area, including the city of Aliso Viejo. Teenagers here can come to our Clinique with confidence knowing that they are in the hands of a skilled physician who uses a fully accredited surgical center for his procedures. Dr. Tavoussi believes that teenagers in Aliso Viejo should feel that their faces have beauty and that they can go out publicly with confidence and ease.