Laguna Hills Teenage Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery | Orange County Procedures

Laguna Hills Teenage Rhinoplasty is the best choice a teenager can make if he or she feels uncomfortable with the shape or size of his or her nose. Teenagers feel these pressures quite keenly, especially in their peer groups; therefore, changing the shape of the nose to something that is more desirable can help Laguna Hills teenagers feel much more confident in public and may even help them in their quest for success well into adulthood.

Dr. Tavoussi Has Decades of Experience

Dr. Tavoussi is the premier cosmetic surgeon in Orange County. With over 20 years of experience, he can assure teenagers of success with their Laguna Hills Teenage Rhinoplasties. He has performed this type of procedure on people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities and will perform this intricate surgery using the most up-to-date techniques.

Dr. Tavoussi will meet teenagers interested in a Laguna Hills Teenage Rhinoplasty at the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach, California. Here he will perform an initial evaluation of the nose and discuss with the patient what he or she would like to see changed. For example, some teenagers may want a different nose shape while others would like larger or smaller nostrils. Nearly any part of the nose can be addressed with a rhinoplasty, including the bridge, tip and nostrils. Dr. Tavoussi will be able to help Laguna Hills teenagers know what to expect from rhinoplasty by showing them before and after pictures of past clients along with simulated photos of how they will look following surgery.
Understanding Laguna Hills Teenage Rhinoplasty

The Laguna Hills teenage rhinoplasty surgery takes place at the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center, which serves Orange County. Teenagers will need general anesthesia for this procedure. During the procedure, Dr. Tavoussi will make several incisions around the nose to allow him to work on the bones and cartilage lying beneath the skin. After sculpting these into the desired shape, he will suture the incisions closed. Most incisions can be hidden in such a way that they will not leave noticeable scars.

Laguna Hills teenagers will want to plan on taking a week off from school and work to recover. They will have pain the first few days, which can be controlled with prescription painkillers. They will also have swelling, which may not go down completely for several weeks. At first, it may be difficult for them to see the exact shape of their nose, but as the swelling decreases, they will be able to see the amazing results of Laguna Hills teenage rhinoplasty.