Dr. Tavoussi - Orange County Balloon Sinuplasty | Cosmetic Procedures

Orange County Balloon Sinuplasty is an excellent option for those who have chronic sinusitis but who do not want or are not good candidates for traditional sinus surgery. This newer method gives individuals a great option that works just as well as traditional surgery does and that gives patients an easier and more convenient option for finding relief from constant sinus pressure. This procedure is often done when patients have constant sinus blockage because of compressed or narrowed sinus passageways. These tiny tunnels do not allow mucus to drain efficiently and the patient may have a nasal voice or may have constant infections in the sinuses that require treatment. A balloon sinuplasty can clear these matters up forever in many cases.

What Are Balloon Sinuplasty Procedures in Orange County

An Orange County balloon sinuplasty is an easy procedure that does not require general anesthesia. Instead, Dr. Tavoussi will use a combination of local anesthetic and sedatives to keep patients comfortable and calm throughout the procedure. Once the anesthesia has kicked in, Dr. Tavoussi will insert a narrow catheter into the affected sinus passageway. When it is in the correct location, he will inflate the balloon in the passageway. This will widen the passageway, allowing fluid to drain in the future. While the catheter is in place, the doctor will also flush out the sinus with saline to cleanse it from any infected mucous. Finally, the balloon is deflated and the catheter is removed.

This is a very simple same-day process that usually only requires one day of recovery before individuals can return to work. The nose typically does not have to be packed, and discomfort is kept to a minimum. Patients usually complain only of a sense of pressure during the procedure. In addition, because no general anesthesia is used for Orange County balloon sinuplasty, the possibility of side effects goes down dramatically as well.
Patients Experience Benefits from Sinuplasty Procedures

With this one simple procedure in Orange County, many patients have found relief from their sinus troubles that they had lived with for years. This is far preferable to the traditional sinus surgery, which usually comes with more discomfort, longer downtime, and further side effects. Plus, this procedure is often covered by insurance if it is done for listed medical reasons. Contact Dr. Tavoussi and his staff today at the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique that serves Orange County to set up your appointment, and find out if balloon sinuplasty is right for you.