Dr. Tavoussi - Temecula Septoplasty | Orange County Cosmetic Surgeon

A Temecula septoplasty is one of those cosmetic surgery procedures that may be done for medical necessity. This is because a centered septum is imperative for good breathing, sinus drainage, and healthy sleep patterns. Keep in mind that this is different from the rhinoplasty, which is often performed to give you a more traditionally-shaped nose.

In a Temecula septoplasty, Dr. Tavoussi will target the septum, which is the divider made of bone and cartilage that is located between your two nostrils. By using small incisions within the nose, he can target these tissues, either reducing their size or moving them over completely. Once they are centered correctly, he will suture the incision closed.
Learn How Temecula Septoplasty Procedures May Improve Your Life

A septoplasty does not leave visible scars, making it an easy choice for people who may be concerned with their looks following surgery. However, with this one simple procedure, patients can breathe easier and find themselves free of those constant sinus infections that once plagued them.

The sinuses are hollow areas located within your head. Sinuses drain into your nose and throat if they become filled with mucus. When you have a cold or allergies, your sinuses may fill up, making you feel as if your head is heavy and clogged. You may have a headache, post-nasal drip or a feeling of stuffiness. In the healthy individual with a properly placed septum, the sinuses will easily clear once the infection is gone or when decongestant medication is begun.

However, when the septum is in the wrong place, it can block the drainage of the mucus, leading to chronic sinus infections and long-lasting symptoms of discomfort. Without a Temecula septoplasty, these symptoms may continue for months or years. This can lead to chronic infections, post-nasal drip, voice changes, snoring and chronic headaches. Therefore, a Temecula septoplasty is often covered by your insurance when it is ordered to treat a chronic physical condition.

Dr. Tavoussi Performs Septoplasty Procedures in Temecula

This surgery is done either under general anesthesia or with local anesthesia and IV sedation depending on Dr. Tavoussi’s wishes. You will come to Pacifica Outpatient Medical Center on the day of surgery and be discharged home that same day. The entire procedure should only take approximately an hour.

Once you recover from your Temecula septoplasty, you will be delighted to discover how easy it is to breathe once again, how wonderful your head feels and how well you sleep when you are not snoring.