California Facelift Procedures | Orange County Cosmetic Surgery

A California Facelift can enhance the appearance of the face by making it appear to be younger. While it does not stop the aging process, it can greatly reduce the look of sagging skin, wrinkles, and excess fatty deposits, thereby making the face appear smooth and firm once again. This procedure is typically performed for adults in their 40’s to 60’s who understand the possible complications from the surgery and who have reasonable expectations of the process. A facelift may be combined with one or two other cosmetic procedures to reduce further healing times and surgical and anesthesia costs. For example, Dr. Tavoussi sometimes combines brow lifts or forehead lifts with facelifts for a totally improved facial look.

California Facelift Procedure at the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center

Dr. Tavoussi performs his California facelifts at the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center, a fine medical facility that is fully staffed with experienced anesthetists and competent registered nurses. Following a short recovery time at the Center, patients will be sent home to recover fully. They will be given prescription medication for pain relief. They will need to see the doctor a few times following surgery for follow-up appointments.

Because a California facelift is performed under general anesthesia, patients should be aware of some inherent risks. All patients experience some degree of facial swelling following surgery, which may take up to several weeks to return entirely to normal. In addition, bleeding and bruising may be a concern. The anesthetist will discuss any possible side effects from anesthesia prior to surgery.
California Facelift Surgery & Recovery

The surgery itself only takes a couple of hours if it is being performed without additional procedures. After anesthesia is initiated, the California patient will have incisions made around the hairline by the temples, around the ears and into the base of the scalp. From there, Dr. Tavoussi will lift the skin and resculpt underlying tissues, removing excess fatty deposits as necessary. Occasionally, he may also need to make an incision beneath the chin as well. Most of these incisions can be fairly well hidden after they heal, allowing the person to regain confidence in public quickly.

California facelifts can provide visibly dramatic changes to the face in a short period. While the procedure can be costly, Dr. Tavoussi’s office provides payment plans for deserving patients and can discuss insurance options at early consultations. With more youthful faces, our prior facelift patients are greatly pleased with their confidence-building results.