Santa Ana Botox and Fillers Cosmetic Procedure - Dr. Tavoussi

Because the face displays so many expressions over a lifetime, it can gradually develop fine lines and wrinkles as well as crow’s feet and frown lines as the underlying collagen ages. These changes can create a look of tiredness and stress on the face, making individuals appear older than they really are. Individuals in the Orange County area who do not want to undergo an entire facelift or another type of surgical procedure may be candidates for Santa Ana Botox and Fillers.

Santa Ana Botox and Filler Procedure

We provide a variety of Santa Ana Botox and facial filler treatments at our Newport Beach-based OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique. Our cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Tavoussi, is knowledgeable in these and other cosmetic surgery procedures and can discuss each treatment in depth with patients. He is a double-board certified surgeon who is also FICS and FAACS certified. He will be able to discuss treatment options, possible side effects and any patient concerns at the initial consultation.

Santa Ana Botox and fillers are performed in the comfort and privacy of our clinique, and the process does not take very long. Botox is performed without any anesthetic because it basically feels like a small pinprick. It is injected into facial muscles that are causing fine line and helps these muscles to relax. We can also use fillers known as Juvaderm and Restylane to provide the appearance of plumpness into wrinkles, allowing the face to regain a smooth and youthful appearance. Fillers may be used along with a topical anesthetic or anesthetic block for comfort. However, patients will be awake during either procedure.

Santa Ana residents who undergo either of these procedures will find that they can immediately see the benefits of the Botox or filler. They may need an additional treatment of fillers within the first month, but most individuals find that fillers last for at least six months if not a year or more. Botox typically does not last quite as long and may need to be redone within three to four months. However, individuals who have Botox injections over the course of several years may find that treatments begin to last longer, even up to eight or nine months.

Santa Ana Botox and Filler Recovery

Neither of these Santa Ana treatments requires any recovery time. Although the effects of any anesthetic that was used do not wear off immediately, individuals will be able to go back to their normal activities immediately following the procedure.