If the term “off-label” strikes fear into your heart, you should know exactly what it means before you determine that it is definitely not for you. An on-label procedure or product is something that has been specifically approved by the FDA for a certain use. This product or procedure has gone through lengthy tests and has undergone multiple studies to determine that it is both safe and effective.
On the other hand, an off-label use means that the product or medication is being used in a way that has not been specifically approved by the FDA. Many off-label uses are still perfectly safe because they have been used well by many physicians around the country. However, some off-label uses are indeed dangerous. You will need to do some research yourself and have an in-depth discussion with your provider before you determine whether a particular procedure is right for you.
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One of the most popular examples of a product being used off-label is Botox. Botox is approved by the FDA to treat three areas, and they are the horizontal lines on the forehead, vertical lines between the eyebrows and crow’s feet. However, many providers have discovered that they can also treat numerous other areas, including vertical lines around the lips. Botox can also be used to lift up certain areas, such as the eyebrows and the upper lips to create a more beautiful appearance without the need for cosmetic surgery. Dermal fillers and other minimally-invasive procedures are often used off-label as well.
As with any procedure that you choose to have done, you must make sure that your off-label procedure is done by a true professional in the field. While many off-label treatments are perfectly safe because they have been done tens of thousands of times by practitioners across the country, you want to find someone who has experience in the particular treatment for which you are looking.