After a large amount of weight is lost, the body must often reshape itself to develop good tone. After the skin and tissues have been stretched out for numerous years, they typically have difficulty returning to a good shape and may continue to sag, dimple and bulge despite one’s greatest attempts to diet and exercise. While diet and exercise are vital for keeping weight in check and for keeping the musculoskeletal system healthy, it is often not enough after major weight loss, which could be due to weight loss surgery, weight loss through dieting or weight loss after multiple pregnancies.
Cosmetic Surgery Lifts After Liposuction Procedures
Upon consultation with a cosmetic surgeon, one may find that some type of body contouring procedure is recommended. While liposuction is useful for removing excessive fat when the overlying skin retains good tone, it is not helpful in situations where the skin is sagging. Body contouring is a surgical procedure that can remove excessive skin, fat, and other tissues leaving the person with a smoother body shape and a toned look. For the best results, body contouring should be combined with a healthy yet reasonable diet as well as regular exercise and strength training.
Depending on where the body needs contouring, a variety of procedures can be used. However, most sagging occurs primarily around the midsection, buttocks, thighs and upper arms. An arm lift, known as a Brachioplasty, can be used to remove excess upper arm skin and fat, letting individuals feel more comfortable wearing sleeveless tops. A buttocks lift helps to firm up and tone the rear, and it can be used by a skillful surgeon to inject fat cells to plump up an otherwise flat derriere. A thigh lift is often performed in conjunction with liposuction to tone the upper legs. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes unwanted fat and skin from the abdomen while tightening up the muscles in this area.