Everyone can attest to the fact that a dimple that appears when a person smiles certainly makes the individual look much cuter. While some people are born with dimples, others long to have these indentations in their cheeks to make them look younger, happier or more attractive. Now, with a dimple formation surgery, anyone can achieve an amazing smile. It is no wonder that this surgery is becoming increasingly popular.
Helping Patients Look More Beautiful
Patients will have to decide how they want their dimples to look. First, they must decide if they want only one dimple on one side of the mouth, which is how dimples often appear naturally, or if they want a dimple on both sides of the mouth. Next, they will have to decide if they want the dimple to be circular or vertically shaped. Finally, they must choose the placement for the dimple. The surgeon will provide the best guidance for this because he will know where dimples naturally lie on the cheeks.
Dimple formation surgery, or dimpleplasty, is usually fairly simple. All that will be needed is a small incision on the inside of the cheek. The surgeon will then place a suture through this site from the inside of the mouth to catch on the bottom of the cheek skin. This draws the skin in for the look of a dimple. The beauty of a dimpleplasty is that it can all be done without the need for a visible incision. Dissolvable sutures are also used so that they will not have to be removed later. Plus, most patients only need local anesthesia and possibly some IV sedation.