When you think of cosmetic surgery, you most likely think of it as a female-dominated area, which it certainly is. In fact, around 90 percent of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures are given to women. However, because of the high numbers of people having cosmetic procedures performed today, there are actually thousands of men getting in on the benefits of these procedures.
Why Is It Done?
Most men choose to have cosmetic procedures performed to look better and to feel better about themselves. For example, liposuction can reduce gynecomastia and can help men feel more toned and fit. Men may also want to appear more youthful, have better facial proportions, or look slimmer. Some may choose to have these procedures done to look better for their significant others or to help them land that new job or climb the corporate ladder. However, many choose these procedures in an effort to feel more confident in their self-image.
Which Men Should Get It Done?
Many men are candidates for a variety of cosmetic procedures, but all who are interested should check with a reputable cosmetic surgeon before deciding if a certain procedure is right for them. The practitioner will look at a man’s overall health and history of chronic disease and past surgeries to determine if he will do well with the procedure. In addition, men should be generally healthy and fit. They should realize that cosmetic procedures cannot make up for a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, they should already have a healthy diet and should not be smoking if they want their results to be the best that they possibly can be.
Which Procedures Are Most Popular?
Some of the most popular cosmetic procedures for men include the following:
- Blepharoplasty to rejuvenate the upper and lower eyelids
- Lower rhytidectomy to get rid of double chins and to create strong jawlines
- Facial fillers and Botox to reduce the most common signs of aging on the skin
- Liposuction to remove extra fat deposits particularly around the abdomen and love handles
Dr. Tavoussi can help men make the right decisions for their bodies. Schedule a complete consultation with him today at the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique.