Cosmetic Surgeries for the Seasons

If you know that rhinoplasty and septoplasty both deal with the nose, you may mistakenly believe that they are used for the same purposes. However, this could not be further from the truth. The only similarity is that they do both deal with the nose. However, a rhinoplasty deals with the outer shape and size of the nose while a septoplasty deals with the inner part of the nose known as the septum, which separates the two nostrils. By learning more about each option, you can discover which cosmetic procedure would be the best for you.
- First, a rhinoplasty can be used for either medical or cosmetic needs. During this procedure, Dr. Tavoussi will make several incisions around your nose, attempting to hide the incisions in natural creases so that the area heals without scarring. He will then lift the skin and surrounding tissues to give him access to the bones and cartilage that make up the outer shape of the nose. He can change the shape or size of the bridge of the nose, the nostrils or the tip of the nose. While many people have this done in early adulthood to change an unwanted shape of the nose, some people have it done to correct the nose after an injury or to make breathing easier for those who have very narrow nostrils.
- Second, a septoplasty is used mainly for medical needs. When the septum is deviated, it can significantly alter how well you can breathe. This could lead to snoring and even sleep apnea, which can then lead to other health issues. You may also notice that you have headaches and even sinus congestion. During this surgery, all of the incisions are hidden within the nose. Dr. Tavoussi will move the cartilage that makes up the septum to make the nostrils the same size.
If you are still unsure which procedure is right for you or would like more information about this or another cosmetic surgery, contact Dr. Tavoussi at the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach, California. He can assess your nose and discuss the different options that you have for improving your breathing or for improving how you feel about the look of your nose. You can also look at before-and-after pictures of other patients and discover how your nose can look more aesthetically pleasing after just one procedure.
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