If you are in your 20s, you probably hardly think about your skin. Most people at this age have gotten over the terrible acne of their teenage years and do not yet have wrinkles. However, no matter how beautiful your skin currently is, you must take care of it well if you hope to maintain its beauty for the rest of your life. These skin care tips can keep you looking young, even as you head into your next decade and beyond.
Always wear sunscreen.
You may think your skin is invincible, but the sunburns and tans you get now will show up as spots and wrinkles later in life. Wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 daily, and be sure to apply enough to your face. If you already have some minimal sun damage, gentle laser treatments can help.
Exfoliate regularly.
Exfoliation gets rid of dead skin cells while also helping regenerate collagen. Use an exfoliating cloth at least weekly, or choose a chemical peel for stronger exfoliation.
Find the right cleanser.
If you are no longer dealing with acne, you can stop using harsh, drying cleansers. Instead, choose a gentle cleanser that nourishes your skin, and rub in your cleanser gently with your hands rather than a cloth.
Use oil-free products.
If you are dealing with acne, you will want to be particularly careful with your choice of skincare products. Choose oil-free options, particularly in the summer when the weather is humid. If you are dealing with acne scars, try microdermabrasion.
How you take care of your skin in your 20s will show up in the health of your skin in middle life. Even if your skin currently has gorgeous tone and texture with no visible lines or wrinkles and nothing is worrying you, you should think carefully about how you care for your skin every morning and evening. You may even want to find out more about noninvasive cosmetic treatments that can help with your beauty goals.