Dr. Tavoussi - Irvine Teenage Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Procedure | Orange County Plastic Surgery

An Irvine Teenage Rhinoplasty can help those close to entering adulthood feel more comfortable with their faces whether they are in public or in private situations. Many teenagers feel that their noses are too big or too small, too bumpy or too crooked, too upturned or too downturned. A rhinoplasty can reshape the nose into a classic shape that looks completely natural.

Dr. Tavoussi Has Decades of Experience & Expertise in Irvine Teenage Rhinoplasty Procedure

Dr. Tavoussi has decades of experience in providing rhinoplasties to teenagers in Irvine. He approaches each patient with individualized care, making sure that he listens to their concerns. Teenagers can meet him at initial consultations at the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in nearby Newport Beach, California. They will have a chance to ask him questions, find out more about the surgery and the recovery period and see pictures of other teenagers just like them who went through rhinoplasties.

Going through a Irvine Teenage Rhinoplasty can be mentally challenging because these individuals are already going through a difficult period in their lives. They face a great deal of peer pressure and do not want to feel embarrassed about a part of their bodies. Dr. Tavoussi does rhinoplasties with great precision to ensure that patients have as few visible incisions as possible. In fact, many times, he can hide the incisions inside the nasal passages or at the base of the nose.
Irvine Teenage Rhinoplasty Procedure & Recovery

During the rhinoplasty procedure, Irvine teenagers will be asleep and unaware of what is happening. The surgery is performed at the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center under the guiding eye of professional anesthesiologists and ACLS-trained registered nurses. Upon awakening, teenagers will be given a chance to wake up fully and to feel a bit better before they are discharged home that same day. Most teenagers appreciate this because they feel much more comfortable and like themselves in their own environments.

Full recovery for Irvine teenage rhinoplasties can take several weeks for all of the swellings to go down. Teenagers will be instructed on how to care for their incisions during discharge, and they will meet with Dr. Tavoussi a few days following the surgery for a follow-up appointment. They will have to be careful with blowing their noses or sneezing to protect the delicate incisions in the first week or two.

Most teenagers are happy with how their noses look following the rhinoplasty. They feel more confident in public and feel pleased with the symmetry of their facial features.