Dr. Tavoussi - Temecula Buttocks Augmentation Cosmetic Procedure | Orange County

Temecula buttocks augmentations are becoming increasingly popular as more celebrities are being celebrated for their large derrieres. Indeed, women often appreciate the look of a nicely rounded backside, feeling more confident in their clothes. A buttocks augmentation can improve self-confidence while balancing out an athletic or trim figure.

Being Prepared for Temecula Buttocks Augmentation Procedures

A Temecula buttocks augmentation can be performed in several ways. In some procedures, an implant can be used to create a perfectly rounded look. However, some patients prefer to stay away from this method because of the chance of future problems, such as the bursting of the implant and the need to monitor the implant regularly. The Brazilian butt lift is a type of augmentation procedure that is more frequently favored by Temecula women these days. In this procedure, some of the woman’s own fat is harvested from a body part, such as from the lower abdomen, the hips or the inner thighs, and is placed into the buttocks. This method has fewer chances of complications because it uses the woman’s own tissues. However, because some of the fat can be reabsorbed by the body, women may experience less impressive results and may need to have a secondary augmentation at a later date. Final results of a Brazilian butt lift may not be completely noticeable until up to a year from the surgery date.

Dr. Tavoussi's History of Excellence in Temecula Buttocks Cosmetic Procedures

The success of a Temecula buttocks augmentation depends significantly upon the skill of the surgeon. Dr. Tavoussi has performed numerous buttocks augmentations of all types and has over 20 years of experience in cosmetic surgery. He can discuss with patients what type of augmentation would work best for them and how they can ensure the best and most long-lasting results. Of course, in order to maintain the results, women are encouraged to eat a healthy diet and keep up a healthy exercise routine that will keep the buttocks looking toned.

Temecula buttocks augmentations are done under general anesthesia to ensure that patients are kept completely comfortable throughout the procedure. For a traditional implant, an incision will need to be made either on the top of, below or between the butt cheeks to allow for placement of the silicone implant. For a Brazilian butt lift, Dr. Tavoussi will first harvest the fat using liposuction, before processing it and adding it to the buttocks through several very small injections. This butt lift will not require any large incisions.