Dr. Tavoussi - Temecula Teenage Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

Temecula Teenage Rhinoplasty is used for teenagers who are uncomfortable with the shape or size of their noses. Because the nose is the central feature of the face, it can gain a lot of attention when people are in public. When teenagers feel uncomfortable with their noses, they may feel scared to step out of their comfort zones. They may even face bullying in their peer groups.

Finding the Best Teenage Rhinoplasty Procedure in Temecula

Temecula teenage rhinoplasty can address these issues permanently using surgery. It can be used to address wide or narrow nasal bridges, drooping tips, and other problems. Because the results last into adulthood, teenagers will never need to face discomfort over their noses again. They should first have a consultation with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Tavoussi has over 20 years of experience serving patients of all ages and ethnicities throughout the Temecula area. He will be able to look at the nose and provide ideas for what can be done. He can also show teenagers what their noses could look like following the procedure using before-and-after pictures of past patients who have received rhinoplasties.

A Temecula teenage rhinoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis at the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center, which is near the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique. Teenagers will receive general anesthesia for the procedure and will wake up shortly after the procedure is completed. After recovering briefly at the center, they will be discharged home with clear instructions about how to care for the nose.
Results & Recoveries After Temecula Teenage Nose Jobs

Teenagers should expect some pain and swelling for several days to weeks following the procedure. They will be given a prescription for pain medication and should take the medication when they were feeling pain. To decrease the swelling, they should keep their head raised even as they sleep. They should clean carefully around the nose and should keep their follow-up appointments with Dr. Tavoussi. They will be able to return to school and to their jobs within a week and will be able to see the complete results of the surgery within a few weeks after swelling has decreased.

Most Temecula teenagers are thoroughly pleased with the results of their rhinoplasties. They appreciate being able to go to high school and college without feeling embarrassment over their faces. Although they may initially feel scared about having a surgery, Dr. Tavoussi will put their minds at ease and will talk them through each step of the process.