Newport Beach OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique Orange County Liposuction Procedure

Orange County liposuction procedure is an elective procedure to remove small protuberances of unwanted fat that will not budge with a diet and exercise routine. OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique Orange County liposuction procedure by Dr. Tavoussi is performed to improve the body’s shape. It is most commonly performed on the face, neck, thighs, hips, abdomen, and buttocks.

Orange County Liposuction procedure will not remove cellulite; it only removes fat.

Who is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

A good candidate for Orange County liposuction procedure performed by Dr. Tavoussi at Newport Beach OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique needs to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. Plus, they should be of only slightly above their recommended weight, their skin should be elastic and firm, and be in good health.

How Is Orange County Liposuction Done?

Depending on the type of Orange County liposuction procedure being done, the patient may be able to have the liposuction done by Dr. Tavoussi at Newport Beach OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in the office. The other option for Orange County liposuction procedure at a hospital with an outpatient facility or a surgery center. Most patients will go home the same day following the event. In the event, a patient has a large amount of fat removed they may require an overnight stay in the hospital for observation.

Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the Newport Beach, OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique surgeon, Dr. Tavoussi, will make very small cuts, then insert a suction device inside of the cut, and remove the excess fat using either a large syringe or a suction pump. The procedure time depends on the amount of fat being removed.

How Long Does Orange County Liposuction Recovery Take?

When the Orange County liposuction procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure, the patient generally recovers quickly. The majority of people, can go back to work within two or three days and get back to their usual activities in about two weeks.

However, everyone is different. Dr. Tavoussi at Newport Beach OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique will discuss the results you can expect to accomplish and how to maintain your new body shape.