Anaheim Chin and Cheek Implant Cosmetic Surgery | Dr. Tavoussi

Anaheim Chin and Cheek implant is a great choice for individuals who struggle with a receding chin or poorly defined cheekbones. These implants add definition while maintaining a correct facial structure. The Anaheim implants may be formed from several different substances although silicone is one of the most commonly used options. Dr. Tavoussi will determine the shape, size and type of implant that is best to be used depending on the patient’s goals and needs.

What Are Anaheim Chin & Cheek Implant Surgeries?

A chin implant is used to repair weak or receding chins. An Anaheim chin implant will increase the size of the chin. The implants that are used generally stretch from each side of the chin. They can be placed through either a small incision in the base of the chin or a small incision inside the mouth. Of course, an incision inside the mouth will leave no lasting scar.

On the other hand, an Anaheim cheek implant is used to help the cheekbones become more prominent. They are great for adding definition to the face and helping to improve flat cheekbones. They are typically placed through incisions inside the mouth to create a scar-free surgery.

Good Candidate For Anaheim Chin & Cheek Implants

The best candidates for any type of Anaheim facial implant surgery are those who are generally healthy without any life-altering illness. In addition, patients should be adults whose faces have completely finished growing. Patients need to have a healthy outlook on the results of the surgery and realize that while the surgery will change the shape of their faces, it will not change their lifestyles, jobs or friends.

Anaheim Chin & Cheek Implant Surgery Facilities

All types of Anaheim facial implants are placed using surgical techniques and general anesthesia. Dr. Tavoussi will discuss all of the particulars about the surgery at an initial consultation. He will be able to provide before and after pictures of Anaheim patients who have previously had the surgery as well as provide simulated pictures of how the patient will look following surgery using our state-of-the-art digital computer technology. He will instruct patients about what medication to take or not take prior to Anaheim cheek and chin implant surgery and will also instruct patients who smoke to quit smoking to aid the healing process.

While initial consultations are held at the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach, California, the surgeries themselves are performed at Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center just north of our office. Our office serves patients throughout the greater Orange County area, including Los Angeles, Anaheim, and Irvine.