Costa Mesa Chin and Cheek Implant Cosmetic Surgery | Dr. Tavoussi

Choosing to have a Costa Mesa Chin and Cheek Implant is the right step for many people who have struggled to accept and love the shape of their faces for years. These implants can address receding chins as well as flat or assymetrical cheekbones that do not provide a pleasing facial structure. Dr. Tavoussi can address any of these concerns at the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach. Dr. Tavoussi and the Clinique seek to give patients a confidence about their faces and bodies that carries over into their everyday lives.

The Basics of Costa Mesa Chin & Cheek Implants

Costa Mesa Cheek implants are typically placed through small incisions inside the mouth. They are placed over the cheekbones to add size and definition. Costa Mesa Chin implants can also be placed through an incision on the inside of the lower lip, or they may be placed through an incision beneath the chin. When sutures are used, they are removed approximately a week following surgery. Most of the time, Costa Mesa Chin and Cheek implant incisions are not seen and therefore do not leave visible scars.

Choosing The Right Costa Mesa Chin & Cheek Implants

Both types of Costa Mesa implants come in many styles and sizes. Dr. Tavoussi usually chooses silicone implants because they provide the best structure and the best outcomes. The most commonly used implant shells measure four millimeters thick. This is enough thickness to provide added definition but not enough to appear unnatural. However, some patients who have extremely receding chins may benefit from implant shells that measure five to six millimeters thick. On the other hand, those who only need a bit of added definition will only require a three-millimeter shell.

Dr. Tavoussi Provides Decades of Implant Surgery Knowledge

Dr. Tavoussi will determine each of these factors at the initial consultation at the Clinique. He will address any patient concerns and answer questions about the length of the procedure and the expected cost. He can also show Costa Mesa patients a picture of how they would look following cosmetic surgery using digital computer technology.

However, the Costa Mesa facial implant procedure itself is performed at the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center in Orange County. The surgery center offers a secure and safe environment for our patients and includes multiple state-of-the-art surgical suites to provide the most modern surgical techniques. Patients will be discharged from the surgery center the same day as their procedure and will be allowed to recover at home. Costa Mesa patients will need to see Dr. Tavoussi within a couple of days of surgery to have their incisions evaluated.