Los Angeles Facelift Orange County Cosmetic Surgery Clinique Dr. Tavoussi

Those living in Los Angeles may be looking for a way to restore a youthful facial appearance. The Los Angeles climate can increase the effects of skin aging with the sunshine mixed with smog that is a part of life here. However, a facelift may be just what is needed to improve facial contours and remove sagging skin and tissues throughout the face.

Safe & Welcoming Environment

At OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach, California, we serve people throughout the greater Orange County area who are looking for ways to feel more comfortable in their own skin. We approach each Los Angeles client with care and compassion and promise an environment that is safe and welcoming. Making the decision to get a Los Angeles facelift can be scary, but Dr. Tavoussi will be sure to address all concerns that a patient may have. He can even employ digital computer imaging to show patients how they will look after the facelift.

Understanding The Process

During the facelift, the surgeon will make some incisions around the outer rim of the face ending in the hairline behind the ears. This will allow him access to remove excess fat, especially around the jowls, and to contour the underlying muscles. He will also be able to remove excess skin and drape it over the facial features for a tightened look. Depending on the type of Los Angeles facelift, the surgeon may also make incisions around the eyes and the mouth to correct deep wrinkles here.

Options To Finance Your Los Angeles Facelift

Patients may be concerned about how they will afford a facelift. Some insurance companies cover a part of the charges. However, payment plans may also be available. In addition, patients may find that it is more affordable to have several procedures performed simultaneously to save on future surgical and anesthesia charges. The surgeon may be able to offer a discount when a facelift in Los Angeles is combined with eyelid surgery, skin resurfacing or other procedures.

Recovery Is An Important Step In The Process

Recovery takes several days or weeks for bleeding and bruising to subside. The patient will be instructed to rest for the first two or three days before visiting with the doctor again. Most incisions heal well with very little scarring although some patients notice they have some hair loss or loss of sensation at the incision sites. In general, our Los Angeles patients who have facelifts find that they are very satisfied with the results of the procedure and have a newfound confidence in their facial features.