Orange Facelift Orange County Cosmetic Surgery Clinique Dr. Tavoussi

While many people have heard of facelifts, some may not realize that they may be excellent candidates for the procedure. A facelift can help to reshape one’s face to improve sagging skin and excess fat. It can help to restore the face to its youthful shape by lifting the contours of the cheeks, chin and more.

Residents of Orange have a great opportunity to head to OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach for a facelift by a skilled surgeon. Dr. Tavoussi has done numerous facelifts and other cosmetic surgery procedures for hundreds of individuals in Orange and throughout the Orange County area. With over 20 years of experience, he has the knowledge and skill it takes to do a facelift while keeping facial structures accurate and functional. He believes in the artistry of cosmetic surgery.
Facelift Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

During a Facelift, the surgeon makes incisions around the outer part of the face to provide access to tissues lying under the skin. He will then lift these tissues to remove excess fat, to reshape the muscles and to tighten and remove excess skin. The patient will be asleep during the procedure, which is done at Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center in Huntington Beach. Postoperative recovery is normally simple, and the patient will be instructed to rest and avoid putting pressure on the incisions until he or she sees the doctor a day or two later. Most will receive medication for pain to be taken at home.

Patients who have undergone a facelift may find that they initially have some bleeding into the bandages covering the incisions and may have bruising for several days after the procedure. Some may experience hair loss or loss of sensation around the incisions.
Receive The Results You Seek

However, most Orange patients find that these minor risks are well worth the results when they are healed from the facelift procedure. Most love their new looks that restore some of the years they had lost. While a facelift does not stop the effects of aging, it can refresh one’s facial features and restore lost confidence in one’s beauty. Those who have concerns about how they will look prior to setting up the procedure can take advantage of our digital computer technology, which allows us to give patients a sampling of how the procedure will make them look. We are confident that our patients will be satisfied with our clinics skill and compassion.