Dr. Tavoussi - Newport Beach Fat Grafting Procedure | Plastic Surgery

Newport Beach fat grafting with Dr. Tavoussi lets you get rid of unwanted fat in some of the most problematic areas of your body while simultaneously getting better curves and contours in other areas. It can be used on the face and the body to get incredibly natural-looking results. It may be used to correct irregularities from previous cosmetic treatments, such as liposuctions, or to correct issues occurring with age, such as hollowed-out cheeks and static wrinkles that do not respond to Botox. Plus, fat grafting lets your surgeon add volume to such areas as your penis to increase girth or to your nipples if they are inverted, which often occurs after pregnancy and lactation. Some women also choose fat grafting for breast augmentation, especially after breast cancer surgery.

Great Results from Fat Grafting Procedures

Fat grafting in Newport Beach is so popular because it provides more natural-looking results than other options using man-made implants do. In addition, the surgeon will be using your own fat cells so that you will not have to worry about your body rejecting them. In general, this is a very safe, long-term solution to get you looking your best.

Learning About Fat Grafting Procedures in Newport Beach

The Newport Beach fat grafting procedure has two main parts. The first part of the procedure collects unwanted fat from certain areas of the body. Some areas have proven to be the most effective for good results, and these include the lower abdomen, the inner knees, and the inner thighs. Collecting these fat cells is done similarly to typical liposuction. The surgeon will use either a narrow liposuction cannula or a small needle to collect the fat cells, which are then purified in a centrifuge.

Next, the purified fat cells are placed into the desired area. The surgeon will inject them into several spots throughout this area to give them the best chance at finding blood supply. Without a proper blood supply for nutrition, these fat cells will die and be reabsorbed by your body.

Of course, some reabsorption is to be expected with Newport Beach fat grafting. In fact, because a minimum of 25 percent of the fat cells is nearly always reabsorbed, the surgeon will usually place an overabundance of fat cells in the new area to make up for the gradual decrease. Patients will have swelling in the treated area for approximately two weeks, and it will take even longer than that to see complete results following reabsorption.