Dr. Tavoussi - Temecula Fat Grafting | Newport Beach Cosmetic Surgery

Temecula fat grafting offers individuals a natural way of supplementing the shapes of their bodies. While fat grafting is most often thought of as being used to enhance the breasts for females, it can be used in several other areas of the body to improve texture and create natural curves. It is also frequently seen being used in the buttocks as well as the hands and the face.

Seek Consultation for Temecula Fat Grafting Cosmetic Procedures

Temecula patients will want to check with a cosmetic surgeon to see if fat grafting is right for them. Because every patient is shaped differently, fat grafting may produce a variety of results based on the patient’s overall initial fat content and on the results that they hope to see. Patients should be advised that having fat grafting performed in the breasts or buttocks will not create as dramatic a result as using a silicone or other type of implant would.

The reason for the more natural look of fat grafting over synthetic implants is that some of the fat that is placed into the new area is naturally reabsorbed quite safely by the body. Each doctor has a different fat transfer success rate, and this rate is dependent on the surgeon’s personal techniques as well as on the patient he or she is treating. Dr. Tavoussi tends to have very high fat grafting success rates due to his years of experience as well as his ingenious way of performing the grafting.
Understanding Temecula Fat Grafting Surgery & Recovery

A Temecula Tummy Tuck is considered a major surgery that will require general anesthesia in an operating room. Dr. Tavoussi uses the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center just north of his Newport Beach clinic location for his surgeries. Pacifica is a state-of-the-art surgery center where patients will be able to arrive in the morning, have the procedure performed and head home the same day. During the tummy tuck, the patient will be completely asleep. Dr. Tavoussi will make an incision between the two pubic bones and will lift the skin and underlying tissues of the lower abdomen. First, he will tighten the abdominal muscles to create muscle tone. Next, he will remove unneeded fat as well as excess tissue and skin before re-draping the skin and suturing the incision closed. In larger procedures, the patient may have one or two drains placed to collect any fluids.

Patients should plan on recovering from the Temecula Tummy Tuck for approximately two to three weeks after the procedure. During that time, they may notice swelling, bruising, numbness and pain around the surgical site. They may, however, be able to return to school or work before this time. Patients will also be given a follow-up appointment time when Dr. Tavoussi will be able to see how well they are healing.