Anaheim Forehead and Brow Lift Cosmetic Surgery - Dr. Tavoussi

As individuals age, the skin and soft tissues underlying the skin go through several distinct changes that are related to the natural loss of skin tone as collagen and elastin decrease. In the forehead and brow areas, this can result in horizontal creases above the brows, furrows between the eyes and sagging eyebrows. An Anaheim Forehead and Brow lift can solve these problems by raising the forehead tissues to create a more youthful appearance. At OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach, Dr. Tavoussi can perform this and many other cosmetic surgery procedures to create a natural beauty that increases an individual’s self-confidence.

How Anaheim Forehead And Brow Lifts Are Performed

Anaheim Forehead and Brow Lifts can be performed in several different ways depending on the patient and the extent of the procedure. The most traditional way requires an incision along the upper hairline, which is used to pull the forehead tissues up to smooth them. Another type of forehead lift uses an incision located behind the hairline; this is called a coronal brow lift. Finally, some Anaheim patients may be able to have an endoscopic brow lift, which uses very small incisions along with small tubes to view and work underneath the forehead skin.

However, each of these procedures must be done under general anesthesia. Dr. Tavoussi uses the Pacifica Outpatient Surgery Center for all of his Orange County patients. This center is located just north of our Newport Beach office and is well-staffed with qualified anesthesiologists and registered nurses. The staff provides excellent surgical and post-operative care in the center’s state-of-the-art suites. A few hours after the procedure, patients will be discharged home to recover fully.

Ample Rest After Anaheim Forehead And Brow Lifts

Most Anaheim patients who have undergone a forehead lift will want to rest a couple of days before resuming normal activities and will not want to return to work for about a week. They will need to treat the incisions with care and follow post-operative instructions carefully, such as not washing or drying the hair for a few days and keeping the head elevated to reduce swelling.

Dr. Tavoussi provides comprehensive care for Anaheim cosmetic surgery patients from start to finish. At the initial examination, he will discuss risks and benefits of the procedure and answer any questions the patient has. Throughout the surgery, he practices the highest safety techniques, and following the surgery, he provides thorough incision care. Patient satisfaction and procedural safety are his top priorities.