Fountain Valley Teenage Rhinoplasty Cosmetic Surgery | Dr. Tavoussi

Fountain Valley rhinoplasty, also known more commonly as a nose job, is becoming increasingly popular among adults and teens alike. Teens are subjected to peer pressure, so more and more of them find themselves wanting to undergo cosmetic surgeries in order to improve their appearances. Teens considering undergoing Fountain Valley teenage rhinoplasty can improve their self-esteem during and provide themselves with the emotional support that they need during a sensitive age.

Understanding Fountain Valley Teenage Rhinoplasty

Before jumping into Fountain Valley teenage rhinoplasty, teens and their parents might want to learn a bit more about just what the procedure entails. Getting all the facts beforehand can help keep expectations realistic and ensure that teens and their parents make a more informed decision.

First of all, the issues that Fountain Valley teenage rhinoplasty can address include large bumps in the nose, drooping tips, wide nasal bridges, wide nostrils, uneven symmetry and a variety of other nasal issues. While some teens might want to undergo Fountain Valley teenage rhinoplasty for purely aesthetic reasons, other might want to undergo the procedure for medical reasons. For instance, teens who have been injured in accidents or who were born with birth defects might consider the surgery, as well as might teens who experience trouble breathing.
Choosing Fountain Valley Teenage Rhinoplasty

Some parents might have reservations about letting their teens undergo Fountain Valley teenage rhinoplasty, and that’s why deciding whether the procedure is right for teens comes down to a personal decision between the teen and parent in question. Generally, it is recommended that Fountain Valley rhinoplasty not be performed on teen girls until they are at least 15 years of age and teen boys until they are at least 16 years of age. This is to help ensure that their facial features have finished growing so that there won’t be any complications due to growth issues later on.

Additionally, the emotional and mental stability of teens can also play a huge role into whether or not they are ideal candidates for Fountain Valley teenage rhinoplasty. It’s essential that teens understand why they are choosing to get the surgery and that they have reasonable motivations for doing so. It’s also important that teens have realistic expectations from their surgeries. When they go in for their initial consultation with a cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Tavoussi, he’ll advise them of all the pros and cons associated with the procedure as well as the types of outcomes that they can reasonably expect from Fountain Valley rhinoplasty.