Dr. Tavoussi - Newport Beach Sinus Surgery | OC Cosmetic Procedures

If you have been dealing with chronic sinus infections for years and struggle with regular stuffiness and discomfort, Newport Beach sinus surgery may be the right option for you. While sinus surgery is not needed for every case of chronic sinus infections, it may be needed if you have a deviated septum that is causing structural problems or if you have polyps in your sinuses. In these cases, this surgery can give quick and complete relief, decreasing the number of sinus infections you get every year and helping you live without daily discomfort.

Consider Balloon Sinuplasty Procedures

A balloon sinuplasty is a surgery specifically designed to open up your sinuses without any need for incisions or scarring. It is a quick outpatient procedure that usually does not require much downtime. During this procedure, your doctor will put a small tube up your nose into your sinus passages. Once the tube is in place, he will expand the balloon attached to the tip of the tube, helping to push open the area to allow more room for sinus drainage. Finally, he will remove the tube from your nose.

Other Procedures for Sinus Problems

If narrow sinus passages are not the cause of your consistent sinus problems, but instead structural problems are, a septoplasty may help. This surgical procedure corrects the size of each of your nostrils by moving the septum between your nostrils into the midline. A septoplasty usually takes less than 60 minutes to complete in an outpatient surgery center near Newport Beach. During your procedure, the surgeon will use internal incisions to move the tissues and the bone that make up your nasal structures. He will realign the area and support the new location with existing cartilage. Then, he will further stabilize your new septum with nasal packing or splints that you will wear during your initial healing period.

Of course, you will need some time to recover following your Newport Beach sinus surgery. Although you should be back to normal in no time following a balloon sinuplasty, it may take two to three weeks before you feel as if you can get back to your daily routine following a septoplasty. It may take even longer than this for bruising and swelling to go away fully.

If you have been struggling with sinus problems for some time, a sinus surgery with our expert surgeon in Newport Beach may be just what you need to feel and breathe better.