Dr. Tavoussi - Newport Beach Teenage Rhinoplasty | Orange County

Rhinoplasty is the most common cosmetic surgery performed on teenagers in the United States. For many teenagers, the desire for a beautifully shaped nose outweighs any concerns about the surgery itself. Although teenagers typically long to have this surgery completed as soon as possible, a Newport Beach teenage rhinoplasty must be done at just the right time to ensure great results. Plus, teenagers must seek out reputable and qualified cosmetic surgeons who have plenty of experience in working with their age group before committing to such an extensive, invasive procedure.

What Should Teens Know When Considering Rhinoplasty Procedures

Teenagers must wait until their facial features have finished growing before scheduling a Newport Beach teenage rhinoplasty. Waiting until this time may seem difficult, but it is important for gaining the correct facial proportions with surgery. Although the exact age may vary, most girls can undergo a teenage rhinoplasty by the age of 15 or 16 while boys may need to wait until they are 16 or 17. Some of the most common corrections include getting rid of lumps and bumps on the nose, creating a strong nose bridge, decreasing or increasing the base of the nose and the nostrils and correcting the shape of the nose tip. For some teenagers, having a rhinoplasty can make it easier to breathe if they have constricted nasal passages, or it can correct old injuries.

Because a rhinoplasty must be performed precisely to get just the right shape and size and to ensure that no visible scars are present after healing, it is vital that teenagers in Newport Beach work with a reputable cosmetic surgeon. Teenagers should also take the time to discuss their concerns and goals with the surgeon.
Dr. Tavoussi is an Expert in Newport Beach Teenage Rhinoplasty Procedures

Newport Beach teenagers and their parents who choose the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique for their teenage rhinoplasties can rest assured that Dr. Tavoussi is highly qualified for the task. He has worked with teenagers and adults of all ages who need rhinoplasties for cosmetic or physical reasons, and he has also worked with many clients of both genders and many ethnicities. Dr. Tavoussi is a double board-certified cosmetic surgeon who stays on the cutting edge of research and practice in this field. With hundreds of satisfied former clients, he is the clear and trustworthy choice for teenagers living in the Newport Beach area. Call our office today to learn more about working with Dr. Tavoussi or to schedule your initial consultation with him.