Dr. Tavoussi - Orange County Brow Lift Surgery | Cosmetics Procedures

An Orange County brow lift surgery can be an effective way to open up the upper portion of your face and may be done on its own or in combination with a facelift to provide a more youthful look. Often, the tissues above the eyes and across the forehead begin to droop and sag as you age, making you appear tired or older than you actually are. In some cases, deep grooves across the forehead make you appear tired or angry. A simple cosmetic surgery can address this problem by smoothing out the forehead and removing excess tissues that have begun drooping in the area.

Consider Brow Lift Procedures and Related Procedures

In addition to having a brow lift surgery performed at the same time as a facelift, you may also want to consider having this procedure done simultaneously with a blepharoplasty, which is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and tissues from around the eyelids. Overall, these two procedures can really open up the areas around your eyes. However, you may also find that a brow lift will take care of a great deal of the problems around your eyes. The best way to know whether an Orange County brow lift surgery alone or combined with another procedure will be best for you is to request a consultation with Dr. Tavoussi.

If you and Dr. Tavoussi together determine that an Orange County brow lift is the ideal solution for your needs, you will then need to discuss what type of surgical technique will be used. For example, in conventional surgery, Dr. Tavoussi will hide the long incision beneath your hairline. However, a newer option that may work quite well for some patients utilizes an endoscope to reach beneath the skin through a very small incision. Whichever option you and your surgeon choose, you can expect to see amazing results.
Cosmetic Procedures to Fight Against the Effects of Aging

While an Orange County brow lift cannot actually stop the aging process, it can turn back the hands of time and give you a more youthful appearance. Unlike minimally invasive procedures, such as Botox or dermal fillers, a surgical brow lift provides permanent results in a very short time and with a minimum of downtime. Although you should expect to stay at home and rest for a few days, you will quickly be able to get back to work and your usual daily life.

Contact the OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique today to learn more.