Dr. Tavoussi - Orange County Reduction Nose Job | Cosmetic Surgery

An Orange County reduction nose job is a type of rhinoplasty and is a wonderful way to get the shape and size of the nose that you have always wanted. Your nose is one of your most important facial features because it holds such a prominent position. A beautifully curved nose with the right proportions will look gorgeous while one with bumps, misalignment or a misshapen tip will appear off. A nose reduction surgery is useful for reducing the size of bones or cartilage that make the bridge or the tip of the nose larger than you would like. When your procedure is completed, your nose will look completely natural, and you will feel infused with new confidence in your looks.

The Basics of Reduction Nose Job

Orange County reduction nose jobs are mainly done for three reasons. First, they can reduce the appearance of large bumps or prominences on the bridge of the nose. Second, they can reduce the size of the nasal tip by reducing the cartilage in the area. Third, they can reduce the overall width of the nose on the face.

This is a surgical procedure done under general anesthesia or under local anesthesia with IV sedation depending on the preference of your surgeon. Once you are completely comfortable, he will make incisions either along the outer limits of your nose where scars can be lost in natural creases or within the nasal passageways where scars will be impossible to see. This preferred method is known as a closed rhinoplasty. However, your Orange County surgeon is the best person to trust to choose the right technique for you.
Dr. Tavoussi Helps Patients Throughout Procedure and Recovery

Once your surgeon has completely reshaped your nose, he will drape the tissues and skin back over your bones and cartilage and close the incisions. Your nose will be tightly packed for a few days following the procedure to reduce bleeding and to keep the nasal tissues in their newly corrected spots. It is vital that you keep the packing materials where they are because they are a major part of the correct healing process. Dr. Tavoussi will also give you other follow-up instructions so that you know how to care for your nose.

Choosing an Orange County reduction nose job is a major decision that can go a long way to helping you feel more comfortable in your skin. Talk with Dr. Tavoussi today if you think that it might be right for you.