Newport Beach Gynecomastia | Orange County Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

Despite how hard some Newport Beach men diet and exercise, they may still find it impossible to attain chiseled pectorals and a flat, masculine chest and may instead suffer with enlarged breasts. This could be due to genetics, medications or some other condition. However, the encouraging news is that this situation can be changed using a safe and easy procedure known as breast reduction. This cosmetic surgery is brief and performed in a same-day setting; however, it does require anesthesia and a few days of recovery. Most men are extremely satisfied with the results of their breast reductions because they can feel increased confidence in social and private settings.

Dr. Tavoussi Provides the Best Cosmetic Services for Newport Beach Men

Dr. Tavoussi is here to help all Newport Beach men who are concerned about the shape and size of their breasts. While losing weight can help decrease the fat tissue in the breasts, Dr. Tavoussi can help men remove excess skin and even glandular tissue that may be present and can reshape the breasts into something more pleasing to the eye. This is a permanent procedure except when performed on Newport Beach adolescents. In this case, a secondary procedure may be required several years down the road when the breast tissue finishes developing.

Dr. Tavoussi is a double-board certified cosmetic surgeon who has over 20 years of experience performing this and many other procedures on people of all ages. He is devoted to providing thoughtful care that meets the needs of Newport Beach men. He knows the latest procedures and can answer patient questions at our OC Cosmetic Surgery Clinique in Newport Beach, California. Our Clinique serves men and women throughout the entire Orange County area.
Dr. Tavoussi's Experience & Expertise in Newport Beach

During the procedure, Dr. Tavoussi may use one or more techniques to reshape the male breasts. He will remove fat and other excess tissue using liposuction or another technique and will then reshape the muscles and remaining tissues to provide a chiseled, manly look. Most times, the incisions are not visible following recovery, and the majority of men are completely happy with their decisions to go through with this procedure. Men will be discharged home a few hours following surgery and should plan to rest for several days at home following the procedure. While Newport Beach gynecomastia can be embarrassing, it does not have to devastate a man’s life. With a simple, safe procedure, men can have the chests of which they have dreamed.