A rhinoplasty is most often used by those who are embarrassed about the size, shape or symmetry of their noses. While you may assume that the benefits of this procedure are obvious, there are other less talked about benefits that are just as significant for many patients.
Less Bullying
Many teens deal with bullying on a daily basis. Whether they are at school or work, they often face peers who make fun of them for any number of reasons. Teens who deal with a misshapen nose or a nose with lumps or bumps that they are not proud of might face even more bullying. A teenage rhinoplasty can solve these issues while getting teens back to school or work in only a couple of weeks.
Improved Breathing
If your nasal passages are too narrow due to a poorly shaped nose, you may benefit from a rhinoplasty. Occasionally, Dr. Tavoussi may also recommend a septoplasty or a sinus surgery along with the rhinoplasty to multiply the positive effects. If you have difficulty getting enough air when you are working out or often feel congested, this may be what you need.
Less Snoring
While snoring may be due to any number of reasons, some snoring can be due to restricted nasal passageways caused by a malformed nose. If your significant other has complained that you snore at night or if you wake up every morning feeling incredibly tired, you may benefit from rhinoplasty. Once you stop snoring, you will feel more rested in the morning and more energized throughout the day.
Improved Work Promotions
Although good looks are certainly not the main way that careers are built on, they can have much to do with your success at being promoted. A beautiful face may also help you get more clients if you are in an industry that often comes into contact with customers.