A breast lift is an excellent option for women who complain of droopy breasts as they age or after they are done having children. The breast tissue eventually begins to lose its firmness and plump shape and instead begins to hang and droop. A breast lift can be done by itself or along with a breast implant in the case of additional loss of breast tissue. Most women feel some concern about how much or what type of scarring they will have because they want to feel confidence in the appearance of their breasts when in private.
Making Your Cosmetic Breast Procedure Perfect
Breasts that are slightly droopy will only need a small lift and will, therefore, require only a small incision. Dr. Tavoussi typically uses an incision called the crescent lift for this procedure. A crescent incision is very difficult to see with the naked eye after it completely heals because it is hidden around the darker skin on the top portion of the areola. It can easily be combined with a breast augmentation if necessary.
- The peri-areolar lift is also used for mild droopiness but is a longer incision running a greater distance around the areola than the crescent incision does. It can also be easily combined with a breast augmentation and heals nicely with minimal scarring.
- The vertical breast lift is used for women who have moderate amounts of sagging or asymmetry in their breasts. This incision gives Dr. Tavoussi more access to the breast tissues, allowing him to reshape underlying tissues and remove excess tissue if necessary. The incision runs around the entire areola with another vertical incision straight down from the areola on the base of the breast. This is sometimes called a lollipop incision.
- Finally, the inverted T incision is used in extreme cases of major breast sagging or for very pendulous breasts. These incisions let Dr. Tavoussi remove the most possible excess skin and tissue by using three incisions. The first two incisions appear much the same way as they do in a vertical breast lift. An additional incision is made in the inframammary fold within the bottom crease of the breast. Of course, this type of lift will have the most potential for scarring.