If you have been unhappy with the shape or size of your nose for practically your entire life, you are not alone. Thousands of individuals go through their teenage and young adult years feeling very embarrassed of their noses. Because this is the most noticeable and largest part of the face, any problems with it appear quite glaring. However, you may be holding off on doing anything about it because you are unwilling to go through a major facial surgery. You may not have the time for it, or you might be concerned about the scarring or the recovery period.
Meet Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Procedures
Today, we offer the nonsurgical rhinoplasty, which is a great option for many candidates. While it may not be right for those with very large nose issues, it can be a good solution for minor to moderate adjustments. This procedure has become increasingly popular over the last several years. It is mainly used to add size to the nose, such as at the tip of the nose. It cannot be used to subtract from the size of the nose or to correct bone issues or deviated septums.
However, if you are looking for minor adjustments of your nose to help it visually fade into the background of your face, this so-called “five-minute nose job” may be perfect for you. We use dermal fillers, such as one from Restylane or Juvederm, to add volume to your nose. Keep in mind that fillers are not permanent. While they can last from one to two years, they will not last forever, and you will need to return for follow-up appointments to keep your nose in your desired shape.
Although we can only add volume to the nose, in some circumstances your nose may actually look smaller after the procedure is completed. This is a unique optical illusion that we create by changing the proportions of your nose and by balancing facial structure.