Many cosmetic procedures are performed on the face where the results will be evident for everyone to see. Therefore, patients will want to take exceptionally good care of their skin following any type of cosmetic procedure whether it is invasive or noninvasive. In addition, some of these tips, such as cleansing and protecting from the sun, can apply for other types of cosmetic surgeries in other parts of the body.
Sun Protection
Protection from the sun’s rays is vital following a cosmetic procedure, including all invasive procedures and most noninvasive ones. While sunscreen should always be used throughout the year, its use is even more important at this point. Cosmetic procedures can leave the skin raw and open; this can lead to extremely fast sunburns. Sunscreen should still be used where possible, and light layers should be worn to keep UV rays off the skin. In addition, a large brimmed hat can protect much of the face.
After all facial surgeries, patients may need to change the way they sleep for up to a week or two. These patients should sleep on their backs to allow the face to heal and should sleep with the head of the bed elevated, usually using a couple of firm pillows to create a 30-degree angle of elevation.
Mild Facial Cleansers
Many times the surgeon will prescribe a cleanser or ointment for any surgical wounds to the face. However, patients should stay away from cosmeceuticals that can be harsh to the skin. Mild cleansers and gentle moisturizers may be used with the surgeon’s permission. The products should be hypoallergenic and fragrance-free.
General Good Health
Some general tips can also help the skin heal well. These include staying well-hydrated, forgoing nicotine, allowing scabs to fall off naturally and eating a healthy diet.
Any cosmetic surgeon, including Dr. Tavoussi, provide specific post-operative skin care suggestions at discharge. While many of these same tips will be outlined in the instructions, some tips specific to the patient, such as prescription ointments, may be included as well. Always talk with one’s personal cosmetic surgeon for specific questions that will affect the outcomes of surgery. In addition, patients who feel that their skin is not healing well should contact the surgeon’s office. Dr. Tavoussi routinely meets with patients for follow-up appointments within a day to a week after surgery.