During your consultation, Dr. Tavoussi will first discuss your expectations with you. Undertaking a facelift is a very personal decision, and he will also evaluate your emotional outlook on the surgery. If necessary, Dr. Tavoussi will guide you through the decision-making process.
Medical History
After all of your questions about the facelift procedure and the recovery period have been discussed, a detailed medical history will be assessed. He will ask you about your overall general health and your family’s medical history, for some conditions are hereditary.
Physical Exam
Dr. Tavoussi will perform a physical exam that will determine if you are a good candidate for surgery. You may need to have blood tests, a chest x-ray, and an EKG done. He will also examine your facial skin and the bone structure of your face including your cheekbones, jaw, and chin.
Preparing for Facelift Surgery
You will be advised to stop taking anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, blood thinning medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements. If you smoke, you will be advised to quit, as smoking slows down the healing process.
Your Home Recovery Area
Before your facelift procedure, be sure to set up an area where you can rest and have all the supplies you may need, including the following:
- Ice (to help with swelling)
- Washcloths, towels, and rolls of gauze
- Pain medication, creams, or ointments prescribed by the doctor
- A phone within reach at all times
- A thermometer to check your temperature
- Loose, comfortable button shirts (no shirts you have to pull over your head and face)
- TV remote, books, and magazines
Night Before and Day of the Surgery
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the night before your surgery, unless told otherwise by Dr. Tavoussi. Certain medications may need to be taken with a sip of water. Follow the pre-op instructions given to you by the office.
Wear a loose button shirt to the facility where your surgery will take place.
Make sure to bring someone with you that can drive you home after your facelift procedure and can stay with you for the first 24 to 48 hours following your surgery.